Options > Settings > Directories

N.B. It is purely a matter of personal preference how you set these folders, but you must have the Plugin folder set correctly for Project64 Legacy to start up properly, if valid (working) plugins aren't found at the configured path when Project64 Legacy is started, you cannot start games. This is by design - plugins are an essential part of the system. You can of course still get into Options to correct the paths.

Project64 Legacy allows you to set up to 5 different folders:

  1. Plugin Directory - all the plugins you want to be available to Project64 Legacy must be placed together in one folder, by default \Plugin\ subfolder of main Project64 Legacy folder
  2. Rom Directory - by default Project64 Legacy remembers the last used folder and opens to this folder, but if you want to force it to always use the same folder you can.
  3. N64 Auto saves Directory - all the native save types generated will be placed together in this folde, by default \Save\ subfolder of main Project64 Legacy folder
  4. Instant saves folder - if you use state slots, all files generated will be placed in this folder, by default the same folder as for native saves.
  5. Screen Shots Directory - this information is passed to the video plugin for its screenshot function, by default \Screenshots\ subfolder of main Project64 Legacy folder

Each folder can either use a default path, or one that you choose.

You can either type a path in directly, or browse to a folder by pushing the "..." button. Press OK and it will fill in the path for you.

Press OK to save your changes.

Settings Plugins Directories Options
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