Project64 Downloads

Project64 Downloads


Project64 Legacy 1.6.4 - [The End]

Project64 Legacy v1.6.4 - [The End] has been released and can be found on GitHub, please visit the GitHub Releases

Project64 v1.6 (Vulnerability Fix R2) - 2024.06.20

Zilmar and Gent have decided to address the Arbitrary code vulnerability issue that was brought to light.
This is purely the last Project64 1.6 release with the vulnerability issue addressed.

We do not fully understand why anyone would still choose to use Project64 1.6, and we cannot in good conscience
allow its continued use without addressing safety concerns. For those who insist on using this version,
please be aware that we have resolved the Arbitrary Code Vulnerability issue that was recently highlighted.

This will be the final update for Project64 1.6, effectively addressing this specific vulnerability.
Please note, this is also the last time we will be updating this project, and no source code will be released,
consistent with past practice.


- Arbitrary code vulnerability fix.

tlb miss in write opcodes are now generating exceptions as expected.
This solves a vulnerability that can allow roms to run arbitrary code in previous releases.

- TLB: extra checks for overflow buffer mapping for user TLB entries

Adds an extra check for user mapping TLB further than allowed buffer size.

- Maintained Windows XP compatibility

- Jabo input updated to 1.6.1 links

- Embedded Manifest for better UI support

- Last known Update files from smiff

PJ64_LangPack_v1605 (Folder)
PJ64_RDBGameFAQ_v16016 (Folder)

For download please visit announcements on Discord



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