GameFAQ: Zelda OOT / Zelda OOT (J)

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Common Q&A's
Common Fixess
"Known Issue"
Unsupported Games
Broken Audio Sync
About GameFAQ

Known Issues (what is a 'known issue'?)
  • Core
    • playing Song of Storms as a child in the windmill may cause game to hang, read this
    • Lost Woods: if you enter this area as a child, go left until you see character playing pipe, stand on stump, then exit Lost Woods, you may get an UnHandled Opcode error (stops emulation). there is no reason to do this in the game, so suggest you avoid doing it - or you can change self-mod. code method to Change Memory as temporary workaround (need to reset ROM for core settings changes to take effect).
  • Jabo Video Issues
    • nintendo logo in intro not quite drawn correctly, may see a white line (very minor)
    • map icon in top left corner - not a bug but lack of overscan, happens on real system if you can see it
    • yellow fairy is not drawn correctly (may be fixed in v1.6?)
    • iQue versions suffer from Subscreen / Equipment Screen Delay Depth issues. Just press start a few times until you manage to use the invenrory. Or use another region.
    • text edges bad: to improve you can use Force Alpha blending.
    • Recommandation: Use GlideN64 Video Plugin

i Que Inventory Screen Depth Isuue

    Frequently Asked Questions (have you already read Common Q&A ?)

    Why is the fairy square?
    Your video hardware and/or drivers do not support the required blend mode - your system does not meet the minimum requirements (see User Manual)

    How can I make Link walk using a keyboard?
    With the default input plugin, if you need to make Link walk, reduce the value on the range slider in the input plugin configuration. I suggest you use 'modifiers' in N-Rage's input plugin (included) with a keyboard or digital pad without having to reconfigure the plugin each time. Please consult plugin documentation for further information.

    How can I aim the hookshot, bow etc. properly?
    See "How can I make Link walk using a keyboard?" above.

    Why are Link's clothes white?
    Your video hardware and/or drivers do not support the required blend mode - your system does not meet the minimum requirements (see User Manual)

    Why are the rays of light from a treasure chest black?
    Your video hardware and/or drivers do not support the required blend mode - your system does not meet the recommended requirements (see User Manual)

    Why is the ground etc. black?
    See above.

    Why does the sky not appear? (nVidia graphics card)
    Update your video card drivers.

    Why is the sky red?
    Your system/drivers does/do not meet the minimum requirements (see User Manual).

    Which versions of Zelda are supported?
    Project64 should run all versions (1.0, 1.1, 1.2) of Zelda equally, there are no known issues related to any particular version. To find out the difference between versions, visit

    Why is my good Zelda v1.1 US ROM listed as "Unknown"?
    Because it's actually not a good ROM, you probably used an old version of GoodN64 - rescan all your ROMs with the newest version.

    Why is the music 'choppy'?
    Does your system meet the minimum requirements (see User Manual)? Many users prefer to have Sync game to Audio (audio plugin configuration) enabled for this game. If you are still having difficulties, read "Troubleshooting > Audio" in the User Manual.

    Why do I get this error "have not implemented RSP MF CP0 reg SP DRAM DMA address (1)"?
    Do not use the RSP interpreter for this game (Advanced mode, RSP plugin configuration).

    Why does game hang after playing Song of Storms as a child in the windmill?
    From other user reports it seems that playing the song here during the day (or is it night? try both) is a valid workaround. I'm not sure this issue still exists in v1.5, many people have played through the game with no problems.

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