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Warning about Forked Repos and unofficial exe and project releases

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It has come to our attention that there are unofficial packages/binaries being distributed by third party forks of MiB64, Project64 Legacy and Project64 1.6 Plus (So Called incorrectly Project64 1.6.2), which alter a significant portion of the files, remove credits and bundle unstable plugins. Not only that, but they violate the license as they masquerade as an official distribution by including a document file with a supposed list of changes done by them (all of which are just things that already were there, but crediting themselves instead of us) and a fake license agreement which isn't found in any of the official distributions that boils down to "I'm allowed to do anything I want". We find this dangerously misleading. Due to this we can only assume they have no good intentions, and we suspect it might have been done to try and confuse people and harm the reputation of our team. We advise people stay away these, as we have now added the following warning to the official repo on our Github.

Please remember: Unofficial releases might contain untested/work-in-progress code and improper modifications that can make the emulator crash-prone, or even be tampered with malware. BE CAREFUL! We do not and will not give end user support in such circumstanes.

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Project64 1.6 Plus has been released

Project64 1.6  Plus - For Windows XP and above (30th June 2024)

What is this about?

Project64 1.6 Plus is a free and source-available emulator for the Nintendo 64 and It is written in C/C++ currently only for Windows.

The project is a feature & vulnerability update fix of the original Project 64 1.6 source.
It is targeted at the communities that still desire to use 1.6's ability to play Rom Hacks and a-like because of an incorrect core that lets a lot of things slide when it comes to compatibility.

This is not intended for development use or is it a modernised 1.6 core, it is just a "Safety Fix"
For its loyal users and some added features that they may enjoy.

## Changes

- Arbitrary code vulnerability fix.

    TLB miss in write opcodes are now generating exceptions as expected. This solves a vulnerability that can allow roms
    to run arbitrary code in previous releases.  
- TLB: extra checks for overflow buffer mapping for user TLB entries

    Adds an extra check for user mapping TLB further than allowed buffer size.

- Retain 1.6 original ROM Hack compatibility

- Advance Mode enabled by default (allowing ) [to name a few]

  - File/Rom Information
  - System/Screenshot Capture
  - Options/Configure RSP Plugin
  - Help/About INIFiles

- Save/load states (10 extra than original release)
- Game Information in File & Rom Browser (Popup Menu)
- Good Name replaced by Game Name in RDB & Browser Tab.
- Internal Name replaced by File Name in Title Bar when emulating.
- New Entry uses File name not Internal Name to add to Game Name in RDB
- Rom Browser uses File name to display a game not currently in RDB with the status of unknown,
  but once added to the RDB it will use the Game Name= instead.
- Always remember cheats as default so user don't have to re-enable after every close
- Max 10 Recent Roms as default
- Max 10 Recent Rom Dir as default
- Rom Dir Recursion as default, this allows sub-directories to be included in rom browser
- Jabo specific pemrcheats read from the jabo.ini so they do not effect other plugins as no longer enabled in the rdb.
- Display build date and time in About dialog title bar for easy build version recognition
- Uninstall registry settings and delete Project64,cache from Help/Uninstall Application Settings
- Uninstall Jabo registry settings from Help/Uninstall Jabo Plugin Settings
- Added AziAudio_Legacy.dll as default Audio plungin
- Added NRage_Legacy_Input.dll as default input plgin
- Added Legecy No Audio plugin

Greets and Thanks:

Once again we would like to give a Big Thanks to all who assisted in the journey of Project64 1.6 Plus on Discord, and a special thanks to Fanatic 64, Derek "Turtle" Roe, Bruce Shankle IV & aglab2 for their support and tireless testing/checking to help make this available for everyone.

This was a true trip down memory lane for us mixed with Old and New Dev Teams combined!

Much respect and good wishes to all in the MiB64 Dev Discord Server.

You can grab the release on our Github Releases Section.

Project64 Legacy v1.6.4 - [The End]

Project64 Legacy v1.6.4 - [The End] (Mean it this time!) - 2024/06/22

Okay, final push for [The End] of our involvement with Project64 Legacy.

Big thanks to all who assisted in the journey on Discord, and a special thanks to Fanatic 64, & Derek "Turtle" Roe for keeping us on our toes!



Fix for Icepir8's Legacy RSP Plugin Ver: 0.2.2e support

TLB extra checks for overflow buffer mapping for user TLB entries

Enabled Advance Mode by default

Pause Emulation disabled by default

Icepir8's Legacy RSP Plugin Ver: 0.2.2e

Interpreter Core fix.

Save state loading fix.

Reset without crashing in window & full screen modes.

Icepir8's Legacy LLE Video Plugin (Final) Ver: 0.3.2e

Vsync disabled by default.

Fixed zombie creation in procuress issue.

Azimer's Legacy Audio Plugin (Final) Ver: 0.70.10c

Replaced Windows INI Functions with SimpleINI.

Removed Volume, Driver, DisallowSleep from Rom Specific

Removed validation checks to DS8 to prevent JaboSound issues

CoInit changes in an attempt to bring stability

A Patch to address load state delay

Updated configuration to only save to general section for driver, volume, sleeps.
Also forced defaults and config save when config does not exist.

Fix BOOL to bool

You can grab the release on our Github Releases Section.

Project64 v1.6 (Vulnerability Fix R2) [Final] - 2024.06.20

Project64 v1.6 (Vulnerability Fix) - 2024.06.18

Zilmar and Gent have decided to address the Arbitrary code vulnerability issue that was brought to light.
This is purely the last Project64 1.6 release with the vulnerability issue addressed

For more information please visit announcements on Discord

Project64 Legacy v1.6.3 - Final

It has been a long journey but we have got there!
We set out to finish what we started and surpassed it.

So with that in mind, the Project64 Legacy project is at an end.

This final release includes the following changes:

Arbitrary code vulnerability fix.

tlb miss in write opcodes are now generating exceptions as expected. This solves a vulnerability that can allow roms
to run arbitrary code in previous releases.

Basic Mode Update:

Enabled Add New, Edit & Delete Cheats

Enabled File/Screenshot Capture

Enabled Settings/Configure RSP Plugin,

Enabled Help/About INIFiles

Enabled File/Rom Information.

Enabled Setting Dialogues available in Full-screen with shortcut keys

Enabled Configure Graphics Plugin (CTRL+V)

Enabled Configure Audio Plugin (CTRL+U)

Enabled Configure Controller Plugin (CTRL+X)

Enabled Configure RSP Plugin (CTRL+W)

Enabled Settings(CTRL+T)

Icepir8's Legacy LLE Plugin Ver: 0.3.2

Enable Vsync is disabled by default to assist lower spec systems.

Render Mode drop down: OpenGL/DirectX8 (Beta) (DX8 also assists lower spec systems)

Added Embedded RSP HLE Handling.

Added the ability to save setting per rom

Azimer's Audio_Legacy Audio to v0.70.10c

Removed validation checks to DS8 to prevent JaboSound issues

This fixes the issue with select rom directory hanging

Default Backend Sound Driver now DirectAudio Driver

Added the ability to save setting per rom

You can grab the release on our Github Releases Section.


Regards PJ64LegacyTeam

Project64 Legacy 1.6.2 - Beta Released

Project64 Legacy 1.6.2 Beta Release - 2023/07/09 (Win XP and Windows 7/8/10/11 Builds)

Today we release our 1.6.2 Beta available from the GitHub Releases Section

1.6.2 Beta Application & Core Changes    

    Added Cheat Menu Support in Full screen (Does not work with Jabo Video)
    Added China (C) Country Region Code Support
    Added Date & Time of build to About Dialog
    Added Game Information via File / Right click in Rom Browser
    Added Jabo Video Specific Perm Cheat Support & accessed from the Jabo.ini file
    Added Jabo's Direct3D8 1.6.2 (For Lower Spec Systems) - Reads and writes to Jabo.ini

    Added Jabo's Direct3D8

    (For Jabo Texture Support) - Reads and writes to Jabo.ini

    Added Jabo's_Direct3D8 Reg Files in Config (Must use the Jabo's Direct3D8 to Unhide Jabo 1.7 Options as they write to Registery)


    Added Memory Viewer to Cheat Search
    Added XenoCrisis N64 Support
    Changes to Recent Rom and Rom Directory Lists, Save State Numbering and shortcuts
    Input default changed to NRage Legacy
    Introduced and Updated N-Rage Legacy 1.6.2 to support Range in XInput settings
    New RSP plugin api, RSP_INFO ver 0x102
    Updated Azimer's Audio_Legacy Audio to v0.70.10a

    (Direct Audio as Default to combat an issue with creating the first rom directory crash)

    Video and RSP default plugins changed to Icepir8's Legacy Plugins
    Added Gateway (NTSC) & Lodgenet (PAL) Countries Region Code Support
    Correction to dlist wait hack for Wave Race 64 iQue
    Fix a crash in the memory dumper when not using the recompiler CPU
    Fix for debugger window sizes
    Now supports Rom / Zip Drag and Drop Load
    Updated old domain URL's to new domain
    Use a different method to wait for the emulation thread to exit
There is also a fairly major refactor to the memory viewer. Contextual colouring follows the precedent set by the cheat search, with red indicating a value has decreased, and green indicates an increase. New here are colors for watchpoints, which use an underlined font: Magenta = write, blue = read, violet = read/write. The primary changes are listed below:
    Added auto refresh thread to redraw the memory view every 150ms
    Added contextual colouring
    Added release version and SDK version to ROM info and Browser
    Added support for scrolling with the mouse wheel
    Default address is 0x80000000
    Disabled column resizing
    Draw word separators in the memory viewer
    Fix D1 and D3 code type handling
    Fixed garbage in the ASCII view
    Fixed manufacturer decoding in ROM info
    Fixed some styling issues
    Removed the useless close button

Add minimize button to dialog windows

    Cheat Menu
    r4300i Commands
    r4300i Registers
    TLB Entries

Added to Basic Mode:

    File/Rom Information
    Options/Configure RSP Plugin
    System/Screenshot Capture
    System/Cheat Search/Memory Viewer
    Help/About INI Files


    Fixed ROM Browser #-Z sorting
    Fixed memory viewer bugs
    Fixed window drift when taskbar is on the top or left. (Jabo D3D and Rice Video still have issues)
    Synced rom browser and main emulation windows.



iQue Game Manuals On Project64 Legacy 1 6 2

Here are the iQue Game Manuals being loaded and viewed in Project64 Legacy 1.6.2

Paper Mario iQue - Signs of life

Sorry about Gent's system, it truly sucks for taking video capture! Anyway, Paper Mario CHN (iQue). "It's Alive!" lol Gent also refrained from showing off the added cheat support for the game, that must have hurt! He is not a fan of the game lmao.

Wipeout 64 E Region Fixed on Project64 Legacy 1 6 2 Alpha

We are proud to announce Wipeout 64 (E) Region has now been Fixed on Project64 1.6.2 Alpha. The game is now playable without controls locking up after winning a race. Legacy, keeping the dream alive!

Working on Intergrated Online RDX

Here is a little sneak at the Intergrated online RDX in Legacy.


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